We have created a free printable packing list to make your preparation for your next adventure easier and organized.
Feel free to download and print our complete packing list guide.
Below we explain the Packing List Guide in more detail and give a few more packing tips.
The Packing List includes: Camping Gear, Kitchen Items, Clothing, Hiking, Backpacking, Activities, Entertainment, Navigation, Tech, Hygiene, Shower Kit, Personal, and Baby/Toddler needs.
We all camp differently. We all have certain items that are more important and necessary than others. Maybe you need some items on ours but not others. Feel free to create your own. Here is blank packing list to customize it to better suit your camping needs.
How to travel with clothing that your luggage doesn’t throw up?
Do you get sick of spending so much time on figuring out what to take and what to wear and then finally get to your destination and it’s everywhere!? You can’t even remember what you brought for yourself or let alone the ones you’re suppose to take care of. I used to get soo sick and tired of this. Clothing was the worst part of a trip. THE WORST! It was even worse than entertaining kids on long car rides. I hated packing and dealing with it.
However, overtime I figured out a system that works, and it makes me SO HAPPY. It makes me happy that I can just share it with you! I really hope this helps those of you who struggled like I did. I get to my destination now and I know exactly what I brought, it stays put, and I grab and dress with a big smile on my face!
What should I wear? I like to first ask these 2 questions:
- What am I going to be doing?
- What’s the weather going to be like?
* If you are using one of our Adventure Guides from our website it will already have a full year average temperature spreadsheet so you know what to expect and plan for. If you are not using one of ours then just Google it. Just search “What is the average temperature in __________. ” Google will tell you everything you need to know.
- If you haven’t already realized, I LOVE lists. This is because I do not have a good memory at all. If I don’t write it down, I forget it. So once I know what the weather is going to be, then I should write it down or I will seriously be checking over and over until I write the dam thing down.
- This is particularly important for mountain regions. The weather can be 80 degrees and sunny one day and snow rolling in the next, especially if you are changing elevation! If you’re going to the desert for the weekend, then shoot, I don’t even write that down. It will probably be 83 and sunny everyday.
- Write down the Date, Weather Predicted, and Adventures Planned
- I take a piece of paper and I list each of these items by day. 1 day per label.
- I then pick out my full outfit for the day and place it with the label on top in my packing cube.
- Full outfit includes: everything; shirt, pants, socks, underwear, etc.
- I roll my underwear in my pants
- Roll my shirt with my socks
- Place them in a tight row in my packing cube.
- Place the label on top between the shirt and pants.
- Full outfit includes: everything; shirt, pants, socks, underwear, etc.
- I write the Date primary to line up my clothes by date in my packing cube. Adventures typically get moved around, so once at camp I grab clothes by weather or adventure we’re doing that day.
Yes, I am crazy… maybe you’re crazy too.

P.S. This is how I car camp if you’re wondering how I organize my full time vanlife travels click here.
I have included a label sheet that you can print and cut out and place on your full outfit when packing. No more searching through bags trying to remember what you packed and trying to decide what to wear. Just search for the label with the adventure you’re off to that day, and you’re good to go.
If you don’t have a printer then do what I used to do. Rip up a piece of paper you find on your floor or grab a sticky note pad. Whatever works. All you need is scrap paper and a pen.
If you do have a printer feel free to print these labels I made for y’all!
HAVE FUN & SMILE, you’re organized!
Here are the packing cubes that I love. They make packing so much easier.
Our favorite brand is Eagle Creek, they’re durable, have great zippers and the walls hold more firm. Because of budget we purchased the AmazonBasics ones as well. They did the job, but they’re just not as good as Eagle Creek. The fabric around the zipper starts to fray and gets caught. The biggest problem I have is that the walls and base of them are flimsy. They don’t support the clothes like Eagle Creek ones, if they’re not packed tight then the clothes tend to roll around. However, they still work, they’re just not my favorite, but I did still use them! haha
The 14x10x3 cubes are my favorite size. They’re not too large so when you start going through your clothes they get limp. Sometimes if the clothes are not too dirty I will roll them up and put them back in so they stay solid. Especially for the Amazon Basic ones.

After all packed up we’ll throw these in our North Face Duffle Bags, Rubbermaid bins, and as you can see sometimes just right on top depending on how late leaving we are. haha
As far as bins go, I am not fancy. We just use what we could find for cheap to be honest. We bought some nice Rubbermaid bins from a thrift store that are super durable. We also moved to a clear bin from Costco so we could see what was inside, but it broke super quick. We went back to Rubbermaid. We love these bins and have been using the same ones for 12 years. They’re legit!


Car Camping
We hope these guides help take the stress out of packing for your next adventure. However, remember it’s always worth it, once you arrive.
If you have any additional questions Reach Out to me and I will be more than happy to help you further.
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